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Ekklesia Fellowship House Church - 1

Amy’s Testimony:

 I grew up in church but did not develop a personal relationship with Jesus nor did I read the Bible on a regular basis. I went on a Walk to Emmaus in 2018 and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior soon afterwards.

 After meeting Joseph in 2021 and getting married in Feb 2022, I went through Neil Anderson’s Steps to Freedom in Christ and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, my life changed dramatically!!

 Later, I heard and decided to follow my husband’s passion for “doing church” the way it was recorded in Acts: the early Church. I'm now part of EFHC-1 and look forward to meeting more of God’s scattered Saints, learning more of his truths, and sharing life together.

 In addition to EFHC-1, I am part of a Life group from my former church where I still have relationships. I also attend Bible Study Fellowship as I feed my hunger for God’s word.


Joseph's Testimony:

I was raised Catholic but had a powerful born-again experience in 1978 at college (CCNY). I fell in love with the Word, and the 'Church', but from the start I noticed a disturbing disconnect between the two.

 I embarked on a sales career, raised two sons, and lived the ups and downs of life. Along the way, I was faithful to the traditional churches I attended, trying my best to be part of the solution to the dysfunction I invariably observed. I served in leadership, taught many bible classes, led small groups, and even led worship for a time. Eventually I went to bible school, graduating with a two-year certificate from Charis Bible College.

 Around 2019 I began to encounter many people who had left traditional church and who seemed isolated but still seeking a connection to God. After much prayer and reflection I wondered whether the problem was with how church was being done rather than with the people who had left. I sensed God's call to "gather my scattered saints." 

 But gather them back to what? Why should they return to what they had already left? This process  eventually led to the launch of EFHC-1 in 2022. 

We don't have all the answers -- the Holy Spirit does -- but we are sure He wants a healthy, powerful, authentic, miraculous church following His prescribed pattern. Our part is just to listen and obey.


Ekklesia Fellowship House Church - 1
7292 Lakeside Dr.| Indianapolis, IN 46278 | PH: 317-508-9267