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Ekklesia Fellowship House Church - 1

When we started this journey to Ekklesia we decided to just jump in while trusting the Holy Spirit to lead us as we went. I (Joseph) felt a sense of urgency, having already invested many years on this issue, and desiring to find true Christian community for myself.

I was already convinced that the answer was not to be found in traditional church models but there were still holes in my knowledge that needed to be filled. Why try to re-invent the wheel?

This is where the following links and resources come in. The Holy Spirit led us to these, and we share them here. Each resource fills important needs and encourages us on our journey.


A.  Ekklesia-related:

1.   Pagan Christianity; Frank Viola and George Barna. This well-researched, eye-opening book will help you understand the roots of many institutional Church practices.

2.   Unchurching: Christianity without Churchianity; Richard Jacobson. A former pastor's personal story of how he moved out of traditional church, along with the biblical foundations of his decision. See also

3.   Leaving Church becoming Ekklesia; Tim Kurtz. This book provides biblical and historical foundation for house church and a useful roadmap for moving toward Ekklesia.

4.   The Beacon Network. Also based in Indianapolis and founded by a former traditional-church pastor, this ministry provides networking and assistance for planting and developing house churches.


B.   Discipleship-related: 

I've read many discipleship books over the years, and these have made it to the top of my list. These resources will help you on your journey whether or not you choose to join a house church.

1.   Practicing His Presence, Brother Lawrence with Frank Laubach. (Shows you how to develop a direct, vibrant connection with God).

2.   Spirit, Soul & Body, Andrew Wommack. (It will help you understand yourself as a new creation).

3.   Victory Over the Darkness, Neil Anderson. (Foundational for a good understanding of your identity in Christ.)

4.   Bondage Breaker, Neil Anderson. (Very helpful for overcoming your past and experiencing freedom in Christ.)

5.   Freedom In Christ, Neil Anderson. (Helps establish you in your freedom).

6.   A Testament of Devotion, Thomas Kelly. (A great devotional book on the believer’s interior life.)



Ekklesia Fellowship House Church - 1
7292 Lakeside Dr.| Indianapolis, IN 46278 | PH: 317-508-9267